Last Mountain Lake Outfitters
269 Habkirk Drive
Regina, SK Canada
S4S 5W1
(306) 546-4694
EMail Chad Morris
Upland Bird & Game - What to Bring
- If you got dogs, bring em' along!!! Please notify in advance in order to discuss.
- A fast swing shotgun, 12 or 20 gauge.
- An Upland Vest.
- Chaps, as the brush can get thick.
- Collapsible Soft Cooler(s) - If you plan on taking birds home, you must bring coolers.
- Ammunition Ammo can be coordinated with the suppliers below, or we can order it for you. Expect to shoot a minimum a box per day, or more if you need practice!!. We suggest #6's for chicken and #7 1/2 for partridge. Note: ammunition is more expensive in Canada than the U.S.
Weyburn Co-op - (306) 848-3685
TNT Gun Works - (306) 352-8505
Great Northern Rod & Reel - (306) 359-7378
Upland Bird & Game - Additional Recomendations (in addition to your regular bird hunting kit)
- Coffee Thermos
- Shotgun plug - for semi automatics, you are only allowed 3 rounds in the gun. 1 in the chamber, 2 in the mag.
- Rain Gear
- Dog Kennel if you bringing your pooch
- Go to the sporting clays range and do some practice shooting prior to your trip. Many hunters have not shot their guns since last year's trip, and take a day or two to get back on track, but if need be, we can shoot all the clays you want.
Copyright © 2005-15 Last Mountain Lake Outfitters. All Rights Reserved.