Last Mountain Lake Outfitters
P.O. Box 251
Earl Grey, SK Canada
S0G 1J0
(306) 939-4803
EMail: info@lmloutfitters.com
Rebooking Policy
The best time and place to rebook is at camp, prior to going home after your hunt. Hunters who would like to rebook have until December 30th to submit deposits for all group members. After December 30th, all hunting spots are available for booking new clients. Please note that the same holds true for whole groups wanting to rebook a week.
Deposits for all group members are required by December 30th to rebook that particular week, or the whole group risks having their deposit returned.
All hunters are required to sign the Outfitter/Client agreement.
Last Mountain Lake Outfitters (License Number K1029), shall not be responsible or liable for any loss, cost, injury, expenses or damage to person or property which results directly or indirectly from any act, whether negligent or otherwise of commission or omission, or any person, firm, or corporation which is to, or does provide products or services in connection with your trip, including but not limited to transportation, services, lodging, food and beverage, entertainment, sightseeing, luggage handling, or guiding.
Last Mountain Lake Outfitters reserves the right to change any part of the itinerary without notice and for any reason and takes no responsibility for the weather, and to what degree it may jeopardize the quality of your hunt.
Everything offered as part of this trip is described in writing herein. No other representation, description, or promises are valid unless they are confirmed in writing. The payment of your deposit is deemed as your acceptance of the above-described conditions.
Copyright © 2005-15 Last Mountain Lake Outfitters. All Rights Reserved.