Last Mountain Lake Outfitters
P.O. Box 251
Earl Grey, SK Canada
S0G 1J0
(306) 939-4803
EMail: info@lmloutfitters.com
About Us
Thank you for visiting our website. My name is Terry Young and I farm in the Strasbourg, Saskatchewan area. I was raised, went to school, and have lived in this area all my life. I have hunted and trapped since I was 10 years old as it has always been a passion of mine.
I've taken family and friends hunting for many years and was always "the guy" who was organizing the hunt… so guiding and outfitting was a natural progression for myself.
This is a great area for waterfowl. Having the largest bird sanctuary in North America and the Mount Hope Wildlife Refuge within 30 miles of each other makes this area one of the largest staging areas in Saskatchewan! The locale we hunt can have as many as 500,000 geese, 50,000 Sandhill Cranes, and countless ducks during the peak of migration.
We have decoys for any hunting pleasure ranging from Bigfoot's, hundreds of Snow Geese shells, Silhouettes, Windsocks, in addition to floating Duck and Goose Decoys.
Have a look around the website and if you require any additional information or references, please feel free to contact me by phone or email.
Thanks again… and good hunting!
Garth was also raised, went to school, and has lived in the Strasbourg area all his life. Garth started hunting at the age of 12 and there isn't anything more that Garth likes to do than hunt!
Garth does custom spraying during the spring and summer and typically covers 40,000 to 50,000 acres of cropland each year… Garth KNOWS the area and landowners better than anyone.
Garth also owns and operates Precision Taxidermy and does most of this work during the winter months. Garth does excellent work and can take care of any birds that you wish to have mounted.
Copyright © 2005-15 Last Mountain Lake Outfitters. All Rights Reserved.